
If you are to start a new business

Have you found a great opportunity but are not sure about how to use this chance? Do you feel totally lost in the complex world of corporate and tax alternatives? Do you feel like there is no one to give you advice? Would you like to make responsible decisions by having all relevant information?

Our colleagues know exactly that the future success of your company depends on these decisions. We help you to find the best tax alternatives, therefore save future expenses.

We are your partner in your business success

Choosing the right legal form for your new business has a significant impact on the accounting tasks and expenses. We help you find the best form of business and assess the ownership structure in order to save a great amount of money annually.

Maintaining the seat, premise, and branch of your company could be quite expensive. We help you coordinate the maintenance and tax expenses.

Defining the activity of your new business is a basic task and can mean great expenses. We help to learn the taxation and accounting features of the chosen range of activities by which you can save considerable amount of expenses and realize a more efficient operation.

Starting a new business and its future operation can have numerous hidden expenses and result in great tension. We prepare the financial calculation about the expected revenues and expenses in order to have more predicable expenses, so you do not have to worry about raising sufficient money at short notice.

The Hungarian tax system includes many complicated and exceptional rules, their violation has serious consequences of taxation fines and late payment interest. We explore the taxation features of your new business in order to spare you unnecessary expenses.

You have no idea of how much compulsory reporting is to be submitted shortly after registering your new company. Very often business owners start looking for an accountant once the deadline has passed, even though the company potentially could be fined. With our guidance, you will always know what to do exactly.

We prepare a business plan for you to see the important strategic steps and risks of your business, and to avoid unnecessary expenses. You can easily realize profit with a realistic business plan.

Contact us for personally tailored advice

Visit us in the office for a consultation where we can provide advice tailored specifically to your company issues and questions. By filling out and submitting the below form, we will be able to contact you.

Our services

Accounting, auditing, tax consulting, payroll, and business consulting are all accessible in one place, consequently well-coordinated with your finance tasks. Not only will time and money be spared this way, but you will not have to worry either about losing information or missing important deadlines. Our basic values include professional competency, appropriate care, objectivity, integrity, and professionalism.

Andrea Talyán

ügyvezető, bejegyzett könyvvizsgáló, adószakértő

In the past years, I represented businesses from almost all markets and industries. I feel it is important that I communicate with my clients in a sincere and collaborative manner. I do my best to succeed in all matters and for all clients beyond supporting them as a tax consultant and an auditor.
„A megoldás kösse le a figyelmet, ne pedig a hibák.”
(Vera Peiffer)