We are your partner if:
you are to start a new business
all works well
your company is fast growing
your company is stagnating or inactive
having issues with employees?
Your business is steadily growing with our close collaboration
by developing a mature business strategy, with optimal tax
and financial planning processes.

We are your partner if:
you are to start a new business
all works well
your company is fast growing
your company is stagnating or inactive
having issues with employees?
Your business is steadily growing with our close collaboration
by developing a mature business strategy, with optimal tax
and financial planning processes.
Taxense blog

Számítottunk rá, na de épp DECEMBERTŐL? – minimálbér és garantált bérminimum változás 2023.12.01-től
2023. november 20-án megjelent az 508/2023. (XI.20.) Kormányrendelet, mely tartalmazza a minimálbér és garantált bérminimum 2023. december 1-től hatályos értékét. A minimálbér 15%-kal 266.800,- Ft-ra,

Önfeledt koccintás repiteher nélkül?– korántsem adómentes minden palack, mutatjuk a részleteket
Közeledik az év vége és a vállalkozások egy része már tervezi a karácsonyi partikat, üzleti megbeszéléseket, tájékoztatásokat is tartalmazó reprezentációs rendezvényeket. A kérdés csupán az,

Kockázatkezelés egy állandóan változó környezetben
A kockázatkezelési folyamatok és feladatok bevezetése és működtetése a kkv-k számára rendkívül fontos, mivel lehetővé teszi számukra, hogy felkészüljenek az esetleges veszteségekre vagy váratlan eseményekre,
Fast, smart and simple
Fast, smart and simple
and we are determined not to let you feel that way
and we are determined not to let you feel that way


Our services
Accounting, auditing, tax consulting, payroll, and business consulting are all accessible in one place, consequently well-coordinated with your finance tasks. Not only will time and money be spared this way, but you will not have to worry either about losing information or missing important deadlines. Our basic values include professional competency, appropriate care, objectivity, integrity, and professionalism.

How we operate?
Contact us
Contact us by filling out the attached form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible with an appointment most suitable for you to meet in person and discuss your business matters.
First personal meeting
We arrange an appointment for a meeting in our office that will take about 1-1,5 hour and provide an opportunity for getting to know each other and mapping your business’s current status. If required, we can prepare and sing a confidentiality agreement even at this stage of the process in order to make you feel safe about your data handling.
The second meeting
At this meeting, we talk about the specific details of the process, your special requests and expectations, and you will also be able to hand us over the documents needed. Following this meeting, we will finalize our offer. Once we sign the agreement, we can start the work.
Start of the collective work data handover, control
After signing the agreement, we will start our collective work. We will assign your dedicated accountant who will interact with you at the frequency you require. Following the handover of your company’s data and documents, we will prepare a detailed plan to ensure a smooth collaboration.
Smooth collaboration
In the first three months, we will monitor closely the relationship and the work between the client and the dedicated accountant. Within this time, we will be able to assess whether the planned method is efficient enough or we need to modify it for a better and smoother collaboration.
We are your partner in your business success
We are your partner in your business success
Our credo
In the business world, success depends on many factors. That is why all managers aim
to find the right plan. However, successful people are aware
that certain things cannot be accomplished alone,
and as such, priorities need to be set.
We believe that the human factor is the most important one. We believe in knowledge transfer,
but also believe that information in itself is worthless without supporting actions. That is why we believe
that your business will grow and become more successful with our cooperation.
Andrea Talyán
CEO, Registered auditor, Tax consultant